Unleash your deadly
skills and reap
the rewards with Blood Diamonds
Win 16 $BLD
in our 1v1 mode!
Entry fee: 10 $BLD.

Dive into the thrilling universe of Cosmic Assassin, where high-octane gameplay tests your skills against fellow contenders in pursuit of the coveted Blood Diamonds (BLD). As you amass cryptocurrency with each successful elimination, you can unlock exclusive NFTs, enriching your gaming experience. Embrace the exhilarating action, and captivating gameplay as you join the ranks of Cosmic Assassins and carve your path to success.

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Message from the Developer

At Cosmic Assassin, we are committed to providing the best gaming experience for our players. Our dedicated team of developers is constantly working to update, improve, enhance, and fix bugs in the game. From new weapons and equipment to new game modes and maps, we strive to keep the game fresh and exciting. Your input, feedback, and support shape the game's future and make it an even more thrilling experience. We, the development team, are dedicated to providing you with the best gameplay experience possible. With updates and improvements added regularly, the game is constantly evolving to meet the demands of our players. Don't just take our word for it, download the game now and experience the adrenaline-pumping action for yourself. With a wide range of weapons, equipment, characters, and maps at your disposal, the hunt for victory has never been more exciting. Take up the challenge and let the hunt begin, the glory of victory is calling your name!

Join the Cosmic Community

In Cosmic Assassin, the community is at the heart of the game experience. Join forces with players from around the world and share tips, strategies, and custom content to dominate the battlefield. The community also creates custom skins and mods that add more depth and excitement to the game. With the NFT art section, you can unleash your inner creator, and create and share your own unique digital collectables. Be a part of shaping the game's future, and create your own unique experience. Join the Cosmic Assassin community and let's play together!

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